Robert began his artistic journey in high school by trading wood shop for an art class to be near his girlfriend. He lost the girl but kept the art. Seeking to find his own way of expressing himself he avoided any academic training and instead sought the longer road of self discovery. This involved traveling to galleries and museums to hone his sense of artistic purpose combined with searching for the medium that would express his creativity and match his tedious personality. Upon the discovery of Egg Tempera he found the perfect match for his own temperament. It is neither spontaneous or fast, but instead relies on a slow and deliberate execution with the desire to have the technique be secondary to the the magic unfolding of what art, at it's best, can do. Any other details of Robert's life are inconsequential and not to be noted because the sum total of his artistic endeavors can be found hanging on the walls.
January 1, 2020 A New Year, Two Views
5 years ago